Test Results

If the doctor or nurse asked you to make an appointment or call them for the results of a test please make sure you do so. You can obtain your results by completing our Test Results triage or call our reception by selecting this option on our phone system.

Our receptionists cannot give you a specific result or advice they can only give you a doctors comments about a result. The comment will either be to come in (i.e to make an appointment), normal no further action required or a comment such as review in three, six or twelve months.

Everybody has blood test results which are slightly abnormal. This does not mean there is anything wrong. We do not wish people to make appointments to see the doctor about such results as we do not have the capacity to do this. We would appreciate it if you could ask us about the result at your next appointment but that if you have not needed to see a doctor or nurse within three, six or twelve months that you call your doctor at that point in time.